QLD Head Office : 1800 958 177


AQNP was established in Queensland in 2012 and over the past 9 years we have progressed to having operations nationally. AQNP has achieved success by working closely with its clients and listening to their individual needs. We are the only one market leader offering a wide range of integrated facilities and industrial services.

AQNP is a 100% Australian, privately owned and operated company. It has 15 management and administration staff and a workforce of over 100. The Group has established a network of managers, supervisors and general workforce throughout Australia enabling us to immediately meet the needs of all our clients wherever they are located.

Quality, Environmental and Safety compliance are vital to AQNP. Its integrated Quality, Environmental, and Safety Management Systems operate in accordance with ISO 9001/2015, ISO 14001/2015 and AS/NZS 4801 respectively.


Safety is Paramount

AQNP recognises its responsibility to provide a safe work environment for your employees, clients and visitors, and for our employees.

Workplace Health and Safety at AQNP is a high priority and compliance with the relevant legislation is of paramount importance. AQNP’s safety management program is designed to meet our internal safety program, whilst seamlessly integrating with the requirements of our client’s safety policies and procedures.

A site specific Workplace Health and Safety Manual and Safe Work Methods are provided to every clients’ site prior to the commencement of each contract. Before the commencement of new contracts or new tasks, full Risk Assessments are undertaken to ensure that potential hazards are identified and the necessary control measures are established.

Required Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) as well as corporate uniform are provided to all team members.